On the way to a better me

Friday, June 25, 2010

Aaaahhh weigh in is looming

So here we are almost to the weekend and it's weigh in day on Monday. I'm not going to have expectations at all because that can only end in misery. Hopefully though it will end in joy this week. We have a few big weeks coming up with some money to be spent, but after that I AM going to join the gym. I need to especially in this weather right now. Hard to get up the gusto to rug up and go for a walk, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Will be much easier to get lots of exercise when the weather turns warmer. I usually like winter but I have the feeling that the new me is going to much prefer the warmer weather :)

Am still going ok, I'm still going great with my points, only ever been half a point over and that was only once. I usually have points left over, which is great as my points will eventually go down.

So keep your fingers crossed for me as Monday draws closer, even if I only lose a few grams it will be better than gaining any :D

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