On the way to a better me

Friday, June 17, 2011


OMG I just CANNOT believe it. This last week I lost 2.5kgs. 2.5!!! How did that happen you ask? Well I have simply no idea. I didn't drink as much water as I should have, and I had some naughty salted caramel slice at a friend's house the day before I weighed in. So I am completely stunned, thrilled of course, but stunned. So this takes me to a total loss of 33kgs in 12 months 2 weeks, that's like my twins girls gone in weight *shocked face*. However if you've been following my blog you'll remember that after my son I actually weighed 150kgs, so since then I have actually lost 58kgs. My goodness 58kgs is like a whole person, I'm sure one of my dear friends weighs about that much, that's good but also terrible. I will never, NEVER go back to that again.

Weighing in on Friday seems to have been a very good decision, I'm glad about that. And soup is going to be my staple lunch meal this winter. I make a big pot of pumpkin (I sometimes add in other veg too) and have it with a toasted sandwich or a roll, very filling and very delicious. I also bought some microwave ones so I can vary things a bit so I don't get bored.

In other news I went shopping and got some new clothes (haven't worn them all yet) and we bought the treadmill, should be here next week :D :D woooooooooooot. So lots of excitement. I must also do my measurements, it's been a while, would be interesting to see what the differences are now.

Ok photo time: (and yes the last one is a picture of my butt, because I wanted to show the bling :D)


  1. Congrats. That's a fab weight loss :)

  2. Well done Bec!! You look awesome!!

  3. I follow you on twitter and clicked through... wow that doesn't sound at all like a stalker!
    Anyway I wanted to say that you have done an amazing effort with your getting healthy campaign.
    Well done (and I love the bling pants).

  4. congrats :) love your blog, its honesty is great

  5. Thanks so much everyone, I appreciate everyone's lovely comments, it helps keep me going :D
