On the way to a better me

Monday, November 29, 2010

Only 100g loss this week

That's right, only 100g loss this week. Disappointed? Yes, I was hoping for more as I've only had small losses for a while now. I think it's possible I haven't been following the new program correctly and I think I need to change things a bit. I need to shake things up and I should probably actually start exercising. I'm also going to shake up my eating a bit and try and make the most of my 3 daily meals and not snack on things other than fruit and yoghurt, maybe that's my downfall because I still sometimes have treats. Make sure I keep treats for a treat once in a while, not daily. I think I need an even more healthier approach, I think I'm going to try and eat more nuts and things too, maybe a trail mix to try and have more good fats, try and focus more on fulfilling all my healthy food targets and try to cut out processed foods and eat more fresh things.

I'm starting to worry I don't make my Christmas goal now :( Wish me luck this next week, I think I'm going to need it.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I was thinking today

Yes I was thinking, I do a bit of that, and no it didn't hurt ;) But I still cannot really pinpoint how I let myself get so big. Why did I let myself get that far. Not sure if I said at the start of my blog but just after I had my son I was 150kg's which means up until now I have actually lost 47kg's. Of course I lost some of that and also put some of that on with my girls, just before I had them I was up around the 142/3kg mark which puts me having lost 39/40kg's, some of that on my own steam, some of that now with WW. But I just don't know, mostly laziness I guess, I also knew at some point that we would have more children so I guess I thought why worry about getting my body into shape when more babies are going to ruin it? Which is stupid really, I should have done it for that purpose, what can I say but I have the ability to be very stupid at times. I guess a lot of it was finances too, we didn't have a lot of money to spend on weightloss tools and GOOD food, which I already posted about. I don't think I was consciously UNhappy, maybe deep down? But I just don't know why I would get myself into such a state. I'm glad something finally clicked in my head and I figured it out, because I don't want to be self loathing, lazy, uncaring about myself and my health. I need to be a better person, not just for me but for my family too, I know they love me regardless of how I look, but looking better and feeling better makes me a better person.

Anyway, I can't pinpoint one issue is I guess what I was getting at but for some reason the tide has changed and I KNOW that I will NEVER go there again, NEVER. I am determined that this is me now, well almost, I'm not quite there yet but when I do, that will definitely be me, I'll be the skinny girl that's always been trying to get out.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Consistently Losing

Well I lost again this week. Only 400g but a loss is a loss and I will sure as hell take it. Takes my overall loss to 21.3kg's with only 3.7kg's to get to my Christmas goal. So this week it's track, track, track and water, water, water.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

All dressed up with a place to go :)

Well yesterday was the wedding, it was gorgeous, beautiful ceremony and they were so lucky with the weather, it was perfect. And so we had to get all dressed up, so here are pics of me in the dress I ended up getting, I could get used to buying pretty dresses :D

Now the dress was an 18, but really the 16 would have been better. I got the 18 because I had trouble trying the 16 on because the zip is a bit tricky, but it's just the zip (I thought I was going to have to go back to the shop to get the to do it up for me, lol) I think the dress would have fit better. But I loved the dress and felt so good in it, I hope I get to buy more dresses :D But dressing up made me realise that I REALLY need to get in a get exercising to TIGHTEN things up a bit, lol. I have to stop resting on my laurels and really get to work. We're off to Sydney for Christmas which means there will be more people around to look after the kids so I can really go hard core with it, yes I could go out walking WITH them and the girls in the pram are ok, but if Jonah wants to come he is SOOOOOOOO slow, which I know is because he's only a kid and he's got little legs, but when I get out to go for a walk I don't want just want to mosey along, I want to power along so it makes it worth it. But it's definitely time to get doing those crunches and arm exercises to get rid of those bat wings that I've got going on. Weigh in tomorrow on the new WW plan, will see how I go. I'll admit I haven't had a great week I don't think, especially not water wise, must get back onto that next week. My aim next week is to track, track, track, drink water and do some form of exercise atleast once a day every week day, wish me luck.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Another post on the same day, don't you feel lucky??

Ok so I was just getting the kids some apples to munch on and boy fruit goes quick in our house, I even sacrifice my fruit to make sure they have fruit. But that made me think about how much they cost and money etc. Healthy eating isn't cheap people and I'm sorry but that is SO wrong. Bad food should be expensive, honestly everyone is saying we have an obesity problem well that's something that could be done about that. I got to thinking about how we eat now verses how my husband and I used to eat when we were just poor students, OMG completely different and goes to show why I was so large. Can you believe that it's cheaper to buy a packet of frozen pies and a packet of frozen chips verses buying fresh meat and vegetables. Hell we even would buy and eat pasta and sauces as a MEAL back then just to save some money. I'm glad that we didn't have kids back then and that we are now in the position that we can feed them good food. Sure they eat not so good food sometimes but my kids eat wholegrains, fresh fruit and fresh vegetables every day. But it makes me think about families that don't have it as good as we do and how they might eat how we used to and that's terribly sad and I wish someone would do something about it. Fresh food shouldn't be out of reach for anyone.

Knock me down and call me shorty......

I lost weight again this week which is rather remarkable considering some rather naughty food. Maybe as I said last week my body is getting used to this weight loss caper, maybe my metabolism has changed? I don't know but it's a good thing, I've not had 3 losses in a row since I've been doing WW, amazing. So I lost 300g which takes me to 20.9kg's lost and 4.1kg's left to reach my Christmas goal. There's been a huge over haul of WW and the new system is supposed to be great so hopefully that will make it even easier to get to my goal, but I'm going to really knuckle down these next few weeks. We're going to Sydney on the 15th of Dec to spend Christmas with my husband's family it would be great to reach my goal BEFORE we go but I won't hold my breath just in case, but I will have to go on a shopping spree because I only have 1 summer outfit and I don't particularly want to travel THAT light, lol.

The wedding is on Saturday and I bought a dress off ebay, I decided I didn't want to spend too much on a dress that night not fit me for too long, so I hope it fits and it looks good or else I'm going to have to buy another dress, but atleast I only spend $40 on the ebay one, bargain if it's a great dress.

I've also decided for summer before we go away I'm going to chop off a lot of my hair, I think it will be much lighter, cooler and easier to manage in the warmer weather. Speaking of warmer weather I've noticed something, I don't mind it as much as I did, I can manage it better and not be sweating like crazy, it's fab, however that means I am colder in the cold weather but I guess that's what comes with having less insulation :D :D I think maybe I might become a warm weather gal instead of a cold weather gal, never thought that would happen.

Oh and of course I have some new photos. I actually have collar bones, I have photographic evidence, who'd have thought, hehehe. Also because I'm holding off buying new clothes I still have a few fat clothes, especially winter ones as I don't see the point of buying new ones now when the cold weather will pass soon and ones I buy now won't fit next winter. Anyway, it goes to show how clothes maketh the woman, if you don't wear clothes that flatter your shape you're going to look bigger than you are.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Yet another unexpected loss, but yay! 600g down which was a surprise considering it was our anniversary on Saturday and I ate a couple of naughty things (i'll get to that in a minute). So that of course takes my total loss to 20.6kg's and only 4.4kg's to get to my Christmas goal of getting down to 100kg's.

I've been looking back at my previous posts and the photos (to be honest I can't STOP looking at them, hahahaha) The difference is amazing, I can't believe how small I look now, even with still a lot more to lost I look small, could it be that when I get to goal I will be TINY?? That will be a first in my adult life. I was a skinny kid but in my later year in primary school I ballooned, I can't wait to get rid of it all.

I feel that maybe my body is starting to get used to this weightloss caper? I seem to still be able to lose weight even if I eat something that's a bit naughty but eat great the rest of the time, maybe when I get to goal and am on maintenence I can go it alone?? I know that could be a bad thing but I am NEVER, I repeat NEVER slipping back into old habits, I don't want to go back to what I was, I'm beyond that now and I really like the way that I'm going. My new habits are SO much better now, I don't feel the need to snack and if I do it's fruit and yoghurt. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything at all because I know that that crap is not good for me and I don't want it. I am in control, I can be around food that's not good for me that I once would have just eaten and not and NOT eat it, it's not dangerous for me, I'm not even tempted by it.

Talking about naughty things and not wanting them leads me back to our anniversary. Of course this was a day to indulge but I think I kept things in check. We went out for breakfast, I had scrambled eggs, spinach, some bacon mushrooms, tomato and a hash brown. It also came with a sausage but I didn't eat that, I also gave some of the bacon to my husband and it was delicious. I LOVE breakfast and a cooked breakfast is even better. I skipped lunch, I didn't actually need it after all of that and we were going out for dinner, but I did have a few fantales whilst we watched the stage production of Hairspray (which is you haven't seen it, OMG you should, it was fabulous and we want to go again, LOVE it) and then we went out for dinner. I had a steak with burbon sauce, fries and a salad, I also had a bread roll and some garlic bread. And because it was a celebration we had dessert, which turned out to be a mistake. I had a lovely lemon tart which at the first bite was delicious but that was really enough for me. After the first bite it became far too much and very sickly, it actually ended up giving me a headache. Now once upon a time I could eat a dessert no problem, I'm not really a sweet person (I'm a savoury girl all the way) but I could still eat it if we went out. Well I tell ya I doubt I can do it anymore, I think now it will just be a taste of someone else's, clearly my body know's what it wants and it doesn't want any dessert, not normal dessert anyway, low fat, low sugar I think which means I will have to make it myself, but atleast I won't feel like being sick afterwards and have a headache.

But as you can see I seem to have managed to even things out. Sure maybe if I hadn't indulged my loss might have been bigger, but hey, a loss is a loss and I'm certainly not complaining :D :D

Thursday, November 4, 2010

More pictures

Sorry everyone, I am yet again posting more pictures, but I just cannot believe the difference, it blows my mind actually. So there are ones that I took this morning that are definitely 20kg's lost and the white shirt, does that look familiar?? Well it should it's the same shirt I'm wearing in my first picture, different huh???

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Look, look, look.

My original engagement and wedding ring fit back on :D :D Just in time for our 11th Anniversary on Saturday :D Yippee!!!!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010


OMG, OMG, OMG. I am stunned. I expected to GAIN this week but I LOST. I LOST 1.7KG'S to take my total to 20KG's exactly. OMG I cannot believe it, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT