On the way to a better me

Friday, July 9, 2010

New Tops

So I went shopping yesterday. I needed jeans but couldn't find any in the couple of shops I went to and didn't have time to keep looking. I bought 2 new tops though a size smaller that I was wearing :D :D Well I was wearing 22-24 (so embarrassing to admit) and I bought one top that's 20-22 and one of the is 16-18 and fits perfectly :D :D So happy to see my work paying off, granted I could be working a whole lot harder but my girls aren't sleeping too well right now which results in one tired mummy who still has to look after 4 other people, 3 of them being children and having to look after the house. I will get to the regular exercise eventually, I hope.

My MIL and SIL arrived the other day and one of the first things MIL said was "ooooh look at you skinny minny". That was FABULOUS to hear, I've got a long way to go but that gave me such a boost :D

So as you can see I'm still doing well. Not struggling at all and still very positive, so YAY!


  1. How nice to receive compliments following all your efforts!

    Great to be fitting into smaller clothes too! As someone quotes on the message boards - "NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS BEING SLIMMER FEELS"!

    So true! Keep up the great work! Gae oxoxo

  2. Well done Bec! You are doing so great!! And it's so nice when others notice your hard work!
    Cheers, Jules.
